The benefits of pet therapy for seniors are abundant and may include:
How very true is the Alfred Austin quote, “To nurture a garden – hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature – is to feed not just the body, but the soul.”
Gardening activities – from tending an indoor potted rose bush to coaxing watermelon up to 25 inches in size – are where residents share the joy of being with plants and reap the many benefits.
Our communities support and empower residents to create and maintain gardens in a variety of sizes and types. These may include wheelchair accessible garden beds, straw bale gardens, and indoor flower and herb gardens.
When smiles are wide and memories are brought back from the colors and aroma of garden vegetables; when residents experience a renewed feeling of purpose and meaning as they become responsible for a living thing; when the sense of pride and value is regained when the garden’s produce is part of the evening meal, we know that the power of gardening has worked its magic.